Our Philosophy

Nutryancor products were created with the goal of reducing waste in agricultural and food production.

The project was born from Carone’s sensibility and experience. The company, present on the market since 1998, has always had the objective of spreading the culture and traditions of faraway places through its wellness products, such as the characteristic Aleppo Soap.

The European Union has financed a university study to analyse the content of active substances in fruit and vegetable production byproducts and residues and the results have demonstrated that they are present in elevated quantities.

The awareness of the urgent need to safeguard our natural resources and to fight against waste motivated Carone to invest in research and development projects with the goal of increasing its knowledge in circular economy principles. This brought to the firm belief that it is possible to create a virtuous recovery cycle in the beauty industry through the use of organic fruit and vegetable production residues.

Our partners


“Il Frutto Permesso” is an organic farming cooperative that produces jams and fruit juices since 1988.

For the Nutryancor project, the members of the cooperative developed a system to dry and grind to flour their fruit and vegetable production by-products.

Logo Cereal Terra

“Cereal Terra”, is a company with decades of experience in the organic food industry and provides Carone artichoke and carrot residues, thus allowing the company to work with both fruit and vegetables.

University research and the technical know-how of Professor Gaudiello allow the flours obtained to be used in cosmetic products, putting the enormous potential of their nutrients to the service of skin care.

Thanks to the support and trust of all these partners, Nutryancor became the innovative eco-cosmetic line it is today,.

Nadia Carone

“We have always been conscious of issues such as sustainability, the environment and organic practices; we have risen to the challenge and made the circular economy philosophy our own.

It is a challenge that Carone is facing in partnership with "Cereal Terra" and "Il Frutto Permesso", companies specialising in processing organically grown fruit and vegetables.

Cereal Terra has joined the project, supplying us with food residue, whilst Il Frutto Permesso has helped us by converting residue into flours.
These flours are our raw materials.

Our aim is to use their active ingredients to make effective cosmetics, with a high added value: focusing on sustainability, the environment and healthy organic practices.”

Nadia Carone